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There are many escape rooms in most cities... and even country towns. Google your area.


Book online. You'll need a deposit or to pay for the whole room. 







Tips for Beginners







Great Tips for NEWBIES:



Search anywhere and everywhere…..

something that may not seem important could end up being the most important.....

communicate communicate communicate.......



I always share these suggestions:


Keep used keys in their locks! Your GMs appreciate leaving keys in their locks - it makes their resets much easier!


Put solved clues aside.


Keep found clues with any item you might have found with it.


Try not to over focus on something you're not able to solve or may not be progressing you in the game.


Read clues out loud.


Keep a pile of used boxes/things that definitely aren't clues.


Also call out everything relevant that you find.


Make a pile of locked things and puzzles that you have already used so you know they are finished & don't spend too long stuck on a puzzle


Switch with someone if you're stuck!



ALWAYS fully check every corner of a locked box/safe. There are sometimes things hiding.


Communicate a lot- especially in a large group. If you aren't solving something correctly get the whole group together and get a different set of eyes on it. Don't re-lock all of the locks... that one is coming from an owner's perspective. 


If you can't get a lock maybe someone else can. Step aside and let someone else try.


Share puzzles... don't be the person who hogs everything and does everything first. And if someone is speak up or push in.


Communicate with everyone - keep checking in with people (especially in a large group) and let everyone know once you've opened something.

When you find something shout it out- as in when you find a key/code/object or a padlock/code lock/gap that something goes in so that everybody coordinates their different efforts.

​Make a done pile if applicable to the room, it helps to stay organized and know when you are done with something. We also try to be tidy with locks and stuff when done so the company doesn't have to much mess to clean up. Know that you don't always escape and that's ok, as long as you had fun.


Always let someone else have a go if you can't solve/open something, and if you get a code, each try it on something.


Search everywhere - especially under rugs (not carpet!). Can't tell you how many times we've burned a clue because we forgot to flip a rug.


Codes are typically used once, but I've ran into several situations where tools (blacklight, magnets, etc) are used multiple times.


I've made the mistake of discarding the blacklight once we've used it. 


As everyone else says, communicate about things you find and see that seem relevant. If you see some odd looking symbol on the wall, there's a chance nobody else noticed it, so tell the group! Always be thinking out loud. 


Don't be afraid to use clues if you've been stuck for a long time 5-10 minutes. That's often all you need to start gaining momentum.


When you get in the room, look on all surfaces and sides. Look under rugs and at the back of drawers. Check for hinges, wheels, tracks, and false bottoms.



One code one lock, scratch off used codes. also one key one lock. leave key in the pad lock that way it stay out of the way and your whole group knows it's been used. if you get stuck try going back to the last thing you got or opened.


 Instead of rushing around like a mad person enjoy the rooms and share the puzzles as much as you can - if it's a really cool one a couple people can do half each .


Work together! But on different things. And if you get super stuck on something switch off what you're working on to someone else. 


Don't use excessive force.






23 tips at


Top 23 Tips & Tricks to Win Escape Room Games | Escape Room Tips





We have a lot of word locks and directional locks. I always show them an example lock and how to reset if you put wrong combo in. Also don't get stuck on one puzzle too long without using a clue


One thing we tell them that if something seems to difficult to solve you may need more information still. Also explain the locks and how to ask for hints




1. pictures or wall paintings are often meaningful

2. look for things that may look like Roman numerals

3. if there are colours around a lock, look for same colours somewhere else in the room



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